Promoting Canadian Export Resilience and Recovery
Annual Report 2021-2022
Key Highlights for 2021-2022
Value of Contracts Signed:
Commercial Trading Transactions:
Active in:
Message from
our Chairperson
Chairperson, Board of Directors

In the face of prolonged pandemic uncertainty that characterized much of 2021–22, CCC supported the resilience of 422 Canadian companies—22% more than in 2020–21—in exporting $2.5 billion in goods and services to the United States and to markets around the world.
These exports helped deliver more of Canada to the world, and to create and sustain approximately 14,500 Canadian jobs across a variety of Canadian industry sectors. By working closely with key departments in our government, CCC also played an important role in helping the Government of Canada deliver on its commitment to the people of Ukraine in the wake of its invasion by Russia.
CCC’s corporate strategy remains focused on financially sustainable growth of government-to-government trade, both internationally and through maximizing the benefits of the Canada-United States Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA).
As pandemic recovery continues to be a priority for our government and others around the world, CCC remains well-positioned to bring Canadian skills and experience to bear in foreign markets, seeking to bolster their investments in public and strategic infrastructure.

CCC supported the resilience of 422 Canadian companies — 22% more than in 2020–21 — in exporting $2.5 billion in goods and services to the United States and to markets around the world.
Exports through CCC helped to deliver more of Canada to the world, and to create and sustain approximately 14,500 Canadian jobs across a variety of Canadian industry sectors.
Message from
our President and CEO

CCC once again was able to deliver solid results, and I am proud to report that:
- We were active in 64 countries, and through CCC, Canadian companies exported $2.5 billion in goods and services to governments around the world, creating and sustaining an estimated 14,500 Canadian jobs.
- We signed new export contracts totalling $1.4 billion, including $868 million through the Canada-United States Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA).
- Under our fee-based International Prime Contractor (IPC) business, we signed government-to-government (G2G) contracts totalling $466 million.
- We continued our efforts to grow and diversify our customer base, increasing the percentage of SMEs in the total number of companies we serve annually from 64% in 2020–21, to 77% in 2021–22.
- Our Global Bid Opportunity Finder (GBOF) enabled 1,796 Canadian businesses to search over 1 million government opportunities from 200 jurisdictions. Approximately 95% of total GBOF users are SME. As well, we received 849 responses to a diversity questionnaire of registered users, indicating that 47% of GBOF users are owned or led by persons self-identifying as women, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), under 35, new Canadian, person with a disability or LGBTQ2+.
- We were also honored to support the Government of Canada’s assistance effort for Ukraine, by helping Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the Department of National Defence (DND) source and provide $59 million in military aid to the Ukrainian government.

We signed new export contracts totalling $1.4 billion, including $868 million through the Canada-United States Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA).
Under our fee-based International Prime Contractor (IPC) business, we signed government-to-government (G2G) contracts totalling $466 million.
Our programs

U.S. DoD Prime Contractor
The Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA) is a bilateral defence trade agreement between Canada and the U.S. administered by CCC on behalf of the Government of Canada. It enables Canadian businesses to compete on equal terms for contracts as part of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) domestic supply base.
CCC supports the sale of Canadian products and services to the U.S. DoD through our U.S. DoD Prime Contractor programs. We do not charge fees for services provided under this program.
In 2021-2022, CCC signed $868 million in new export contracts (VCS), and facilitated $804 million in exports (CTT) from Canadian companies to the U.S. DoD, supporting approximately 7,400 Canadian jobs.
Our 2021-2022 achievements
Through the DPSA, CCC helped Gastops win a contract with the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) to create a computer simulation model of the Polar Star—the US Coast Guard’s only heavy icebreaker.
The ship travels to Antarctica to lead Operation Deep Freeze every year, routinely breaking miles of ice more than 20 feet thick. Gastops’ virtual twin of the Polar Star will allow NAVSEA to conduct risk assessments at a relatively low cost, enabling engineers to rapidly implement improvements to the real ship.
Based in Ottawa, Gastops is the world’s leading provider of intelligent condition monitoring. Its solutions are used in Aerospace, Defence, Energy, and Industrial applications to optimize the availability, performance, and safety of critical assets.

International Prime Contractor
Under International Prime Contractor program, CCC works with Canadian businesses to facilitate sales to government buyers around the world using government to government (G2G) contracts.
Every G2G contract is unique, and CCC’s involvement is often the key to Canadian companies’ ability to access these international opportunities—where CCC’s guarantee of contract performance provides an added incentive for foreign governments to tap into Canadian expertise for priority projects.
Through International Prime Contractor, CCC signed $466 million in new export contracts (VCS), and facilitated $1.6 billion in exports (CTT) from Canadian companies to governments around the world, supporting approximately 6,500 Canadian jobs.
Our 2021-2022 achievements
Spotlight: Building a better future in the Dominican Republic
In early 2022, CCC reached a financial agreement for a USD $50 million G2G contract with the Corporación del Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Santo Domingo (CAASD)—the water authority for Greater Santo Domingo. The G2G contract will enable Canada’s Helios Group to deliver the second phase of the rehabilitation of the Guajimia storm and sanitary canal. Phase 1 was also completed through a G2G contract with CCC in 2012.
The second phase will involve the cleaning of a segment of the Guajimia ravine, and the construction of 344 apartments that will help relocate the nearly 350,000 residents living along a portion of the canal. The contract was the result of concerted joint efforts between CCC and Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service in the Dominican Republic. The financing was arranged by JP Morgan with sovereign risk insurance provided by Export Development Canada (EDC).

Advisory Services
Canadian companies used CCC’s advisory services (96% SMEs).
Sourcing for other Government of Canada departments
CCC’s Sourcing business line assists Government of Canada departments and agencies to fulfill urgent and complex procurements. Through Sourcing, CCC supports a wide range of departmental initiatives, such as:
- providing urgent disaster relief support;
- helping foreign governments in their efforts to fight cross-border crime (i.e., fraud, corruption, human trafficking);
- supporting anti-terrorism efforts (both domestic and international); and
- facilitating Canada’s contributions in other international endeavors (i.e., scientific/medical and other collaborations).
procured and delivered on behalf of other Government 60M of Canada departments
Spotlight: Aid for Ukraine
In 2021–22, CCC rapidly responded to Canada’s international commitments to support the Government of Ukraine.
CCC has partnered with Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the Department of National Defence (DND) to source equipment to meet needs identified by the Ukrainian government, including specialized military equipment.

Whole-of-Government Approach to Serving Canadian Businesses

CCC is part of the Government of Canada’s International Trade Portfolio. CCC consistently adopts a whole of-government approach to better server Canadian exporters, by working closely with other trade portfolio members.
To help foster stronger whole-of-government collaboration in international trade, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development established the Business, Economic and Trade Recovery (BETR) Team. In 2021–22, CCC supported BETR’s efforts to:
- identify gaps in the portfolio’s support to Canadian businesses and find ways to provide faster access to services,
- increase knowledge and awareness of available support so businesses can select what most appropriately meets their needs and where they can access it, and
- explore opportunities to jointly promote growth through collaboration on specific new initiatives which will generate benefits for Canadian business and for Canada.
BETR Members

Private sector support for Canadian exporters

In addition to partnering with other entities of the Government of Canada, CCC works across industry to identify and participate in opportunities to support Canadian exporters.
By aligning with industry interests in this manner, CCC is better positioned to help foster collaboration across multiple Government stakeholders depending on the nature of a particular G2G transaction.
CCC's Industry Partners