Key Highlights for 2022-2023
In new G2G contracts (VCS)
In exports through CCC (CTT)
Jobs supported in Canada
Markets where CCC is active
Canadian businesses served
Of companies served are SMEs
Message from
our Chairperson

Despite a challenging global economy marked by widespread supply chain disruption and continuously evolving geopolitical contexts for much of 2022, CCC served over 750 Canadian companies and facilitated exports of $3.55 billion in goods and services to the United States and countries around the world.
These exports created and sustained approximately 13,430 Canadian jobs across a variety of sectors. These strong results underscore the resilience of Canadian exports and the value of CCC’s government-to-government procurement in driving Canada’s international trade.
CCC is proud to have provided unwavering support to the Government of Canada’s aid efforts for Ukraine throughout the last fiscal year. Together with other Government of Canada departments, CCC purchased $475.7 million of Canadian specialized equipment that reached the Ukraine in 2022-2023. We are ready to continue supporting Canada’s efforts in the Ukraine, not only during the conflict but also in their efforts to rebuild.
CCC’s resilience in 2022-2023 stems from its strategy to grow Canadian exports internationally; to deliver value to Canadian exporters through operational excellence; and to embed environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles in everything that we do. This strategy aligns with the direction provided by the Government of Canada’s July 2021 Statement of Priorities and Accountabilities and has renewed the Corporation’s purpose.
Message from
our President and CEO

CCC has been operating at the crossroads of commerce and international relations to deliver results for Canadian businesses, their government buyers, and the Government of Canada for over 75 years. CCC delivered strong results for Canadians once again in 2022-2023, including:
- Supporting Canadian businesses in exporting $3.55 billion in goods and services to governments around the world – an increase of more than 30% over the previous year;
- Helping to create and sustain over 13,430 Canadian jobs as a result of these exports;
- Signing new export contracts worth $2.26 billion: $885 million under the Canada-U.S. Defence Production Sharing Agreement and $903.8 million through the International Prime Contractor service, that actively supported Canadian companies in more than 50 markets around the world;
- Supporting our Government of Canada partners at the Department of National Defence and Global Affairs Canada in purchasing more than $475.7 million of goods and services to be donated to Ukraine;
- Serving more than 750 Canadian companies across several sectors, including advanced manufacturing, aerospace, agriculture, cleantech and infrastructure. Approximately three-quarters (75%) of the companies served by CCC were SMEs; and
- Bringing international public sector opportunities to Canadian exporters’ desktops in both official languages with CCC’s free Global Bid Opportunity Finder (GBOF). GBOF’s searchable database featured over 2.7 million opportunities at the end of March 2023 and almost 3,000 registered users.
These achievements represent a small sample of CCC’s enduring impact on Canada’s exporter community. This impressive year would not have been possible without the support of our Board of Directors, collaboration with Government of Canada stakeholders and the deep expertise of our team at CCC.
Our strategic goals
CCC’s corporate strategy includes three main pillars: Growing Canadian exports through inclusive trade, delivering value to Canada through operational excellence and enhancing CCC’S impact through environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG).
These three pillars work together to influence growth in the number of Canadian businesses actively exporting, growth in the number of Canadian jobs created and sustained through export activity and the continued acceptance and recognition of the Canada brand so that it increasingly provides Canadian exporters with a competitive advantage over sellers of similar products or services.
The following are our strategic goals under each of the pillars.
Growing Canadian exports through inclusive trade
Sustain a strong Canada-U.S. relationship
Continue to strengthen Canada-US relationship by advocating effectively with DoD on sector-level issues to grow defence and security trade between our two countries.
Maintain Canada’s position as a strategic acquisitions partner to DoD by growing the number of Canadian companies participating in the U.S. DoD Prime Contractor program.
Drive jobs growth through exports
Increase the number of foreign governments that turn to Canada’s G2G International Prime Contractor program to deliver complex acquisitions of national importance.
Grow the number of Canadian businesses that know and use the International Prime Contractor program for international projects with foreign governments.
Delivering value to Canada through operational excellence
Build strong relationships
Strengthen coordinated government support for Canadian export opportunities and be recognized as the Government of Canada defence sector champion.
Make it easy to do business with us Evolve our internal processes to make it easier for people to do business with us and develop new service offerings that are more flexible and address requirements for sectors of the future.
Enhancing CCC’s impact through ESG
Deliver good for people and planet
Protect the environment by supporting sustainable projects and adopting exemplary corporate greening practices.
Exercise influence as prime contractor to promote full and productive employment, decent work for all and responsive and inclusive trade while promoting respect of human rights.
Exercise leadership and good corporate governance when conducting business including defence trade in a transparent and accountable manner that reduces the risk of bribery and corruption, illicit arms sales, and forced or child labour.
Build equity in the Canada brand
Increase awareness and implementation of good environmental, social, and governance practices across our exporter portfolio to grow global perception of Canada as an effective and trustworthy partner.
Our business approach
As a crown corporation of the Government of Canada, CCC delivers value to Canada by signing commercial contracts with governments around the world for the purchase of Canadian solutions. CCC’s contracts, also called government to government (G2G) contracts, allows foreign government buyers to engage with the Government of Canada while helping Canadian businesses grow their exports.
To ensure success of all its G2G contracts, CCC performs rigorous due diligence on potential Canadian exporters to ensure they can successfully deliver on the buyer’s requirements. CCC also takes on the role of prime contractor, negotiating contract terms and overseeing the exporter’s performance through all phases of the contract.
CCC’s G2G contracts are backed by the Government of Canada and as such, carry with them a guarantee that contract terms and conditions will be met. This guarantee helps mitigate potential risks for Canadian exporters and foreign government buyers and enables procurement from Canada.

How we grow Canadian exports through inclusive trade
In 2022-2023, CCC’s growth strategy centered on expanding the number of customers it supports through the Canada-US Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA). The DPSA grew to 87 exporters this year and $885 million in the value of contracts signed. As Canada’s custodian of the DPSA, helping Canadian businesses access opportunities to sell to the United States Department of Defense (U.S. DoD) is key to our mandate.
CCC also increased its outreach to foreign governments with a view to identifying more G2G opportunities for Canadian exporters, signing 12 new G2G contracts — a record year.
In support of a “No Wrong Door” approach to accessing government services, CCC served the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises by continuously collaborating with other Government of Canada entities to provide accessible solutions to Canadian companies of all sizes.
Lastly, CCC ensured that its growth strategy aligned with Canada’s inclusive trade priorities, which aim to ensure the benefits and opportunities that flow from trade are shared by all.
Our 2022-2023 achievements
in new export contracts signed, up from $1.4B in 2021-2022
in commercial trading transactions (CTT), up from $2.5B in 2021-2022
Canadian businesses served, of which 75% were SMEs
Canadian businesses used the Global Bid Opportunity Finder in 2022-2023
95% were SME and 30% self-identify as women, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), under-35 or new Canadians
U.S. DoD Prime Contractor
U.S. DoD Prime Contractor is the name of our service to help Canadians sell to the U.S. military and to help U.S. DoD buyers to broaden their supply base by procuring from qualified suppliers in Canada, as specified by the DPSA. It is a free program funded by the Government of Canada and supported by the U.S. Government.
In 2022-2023, CCC:
- Signed $885 million in new export contracts (VCS)
- Facilitated $765 million in exports (CTT) from Canadian companies to the U.S. DoD, and
- Supported approximately 5,700 Canadian jobs.
Sector breakdown of new export contracts
Our 2022-2023 achievements
in commercial trading transactions (CTT), compared to $804 million in 2021-2022
Top U.S. DoD buyers in 2022-2023
Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
Canadian businesses with U.S. DoD contracts
Valued less than $5 million
(*may include multiple contracts)
Exporter | Product Category |
Arnprior Aerospace | Aircraft Parts & Auxiliary Equipment |
Armatec Survivability | Defence Vehicles |
CMC Electronics | Aircraft Navigational & Guidance Equipment Systems |
DiPaolo Machine Tools | Machinery |
DRS Technologies Canada | Aircraft parts and auxiliary equipment |
General Dynamics Mission Systems – Canada | Related Aerospace Services, Defence Products |
Goodrich Aerospace Canada | Aircraft R&O & Maintenance Services |
Honeywell | Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment |
International Civil Aviation Organization | Education & Training Equipment & Services |
LR Tech | Measuring & Controlling Devices |
NWI Precision Tube ULC | Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment |
Reivax North America | Engineering Procurement Construction Management |
Rheinmetall Canada | Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment |
RTDS Technologies | Software & Information Equipment |
Schaeffler Aerospace Canada | Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment |
Shark Marine Technologies | Ocean Technologies |
Standard Aero Limited, Winnipeg | Gas Turbine Engines & Parts |
Telops | Imaging & Counter Measure Equipment |
Valued between $5 million and $25 million
(*may include multiple contracts)
Exporter | Product Category |
CaseWare Cloud | Software & information equipment |
EMS Technologies Canada | Aircraft Parts & Auxiliary Equipment |
Héroux-Devtek | Landing Gear |
Kenn Borek Air | Other Related Aerospace Services |
Patriot Forge | Other Related Defence Services |
Uncharted Software | Software & information equipment |
Valued above $25 million
(*may include multiple contracts)
Exporter |
Product Category |
Emergent BioSolutions Canada | Pharmaceuticals & Medical Supplies |
General Dynamics Land Systems – Canada | Defence Vehicles |
General Dynamics OTS – Canada Valleyfield | Ammunition |
Indal Technologies | Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment |
Valcom Manufacturing Group | Information & Communication Technologies |
Wescam | Imaging & Counter Measure Equipment |
International Prime Contractor
Under International Prime Contractor program, CCC works with Canadian businesses to facilitate sales to government buyers around the world using government to government (G2G) contracts.
Every G2G contract is unique, and CCC’s involvement is often the key to Canadian companies’ ability to access these international opportunities—where CCC’s guarantee of contract performance provides an added incentive for foreign governments to tap into Canadian expertise for priority projects.
In 2022-2023, CCC:
- Signed $903.8 million in new export contracts (VCS)
- Facilitated $2.45 billion in exports (CTT) from Canadian companies to governments around the world, and
- Supported approximately 5,135 Canadian jobs.
Sector breakdown of new export contracts
Our 2022-2023 achievements
Top government buyers in 2022-2023
Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation
Secretaría de Estado en el Despacho de Salud, Honduras
Ministerio de Defensa; MINDEF, Argentina
Força Aérea Portuguesa, Portugal
Sourcing for Government of Canada
CCC’s Sourcing program assists Government of Canada departments and agencies to fulfill urgent and complex procurements for the delivery of in-kind foreign and military aid. Through Sourcing, CCC supports a wide range of federal departmental initiatives, such as:
- providing urgent disaster relief support;
- helping foreign governments in their efforts to fight cross-border crime (i.e., fraud, corruption, human trafficking);
- supporting anti-terrorism efforts (both domestic and international); and
- facilitating Canada’s contributions in other international endeavors (i.e., scientific/medical and other collaborations).
Of the $476.4 million in new export contracts, $0.4M were for Aerospace, $440.3M were for Defence and $28.3M were for other sectors.
Our 2022-2023 achievements
How we deliver value through operational excellence
CCC implemented a more robust customer relationship management approach by proactively strategizing with Canadian companies to better leverage Canada’s G2G model for their business development efforts in select markets around the world.
CCC developed its HR strategy to ensure its workforce has the skills to satisfy evolving exporter needs in an increasingly competitive international trade environment, with a view to building a results-oriented, diverse and engaged workforce.
The Corporation also worked towards modernizing operations to make it easier for exporters to do business with CCC. Customers reported increasing satisfaction over the course of the year, awarding CCC a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 71. The NPS is a rolling 365-day-average measure of customer loyalty. This year’s score of 71 is a significant increase over last year’s score of 64.
CCC, Canada supporting Ukraine
Canada has been a strong supporter of Ukraine since the country’s independence in 1991, and this support has continued throughout the ongoing conflict with Russia. Since February 2022, Canada has committed over $1 billion in military assistance to the Ukrainian government. A significant portion of this aid is being procured and delivered by CCC.
In the fall of 2022, Canada’s Minister of National Defence, Anita Anand, called on CCC to help purchase over $10 million in winter gear and clothing to Ukraine’s armed forces. CCC successfully delivered the in-kind donations, supplying Ukrainian armed forces with 500,000 items, including jackets, pants, boots, gloves, parkas, portable heaters, thermal blankets and sleeping bags.
CCC contracted eleven Canadian businesses to procure these items and help sustain the Ukrainian armed forces through the winter.

How we deliver on ESG commitments
This year, CCC developed a plan to align with the Greening Government Strategy to guide and measure the Corporation’s progress in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, with a view to contributing positively in future years to the Government of Canada’s net-zero by 2050 target.
CCC continued to collect, analyze and report on the diversity of Canadians who benefit most directly from CCC’s services. Since 2021-2022, approximately 60% of CCC’s customers have provided responses to a survey to determine the proportion of its customer base that is owned or led by a member of an under-represented group.
As part of CCC’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion commitments, the Corporation established relationships with several associations serving under-represented groups, including the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB). CCC employees were joined by CCAB representatives in September 2022 to mark the importance of Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and worked together to encourage the consideration of more Indigenous businesses in CCC’s G2G trade approach.
CCC also introduced its own Code for Exporters, which sets clear expectations and performance standards with respect to labour and human rights, health and safety, environmental protection, transparent and responsible supply chains, and compliance with international laws prohibiting bribery and corruption.
Finally, following a 2021-2022 report by Women in Governance on gender parity at CCC, the Corporation scoped and implemented a mentorship program for employees belonging to one or more under-represented groups. The pilot cohort of this new Promotabilities program was launched in February 2023.
CCC introduces Code for Exporters
As part of CCC’s ESG strategy, the Corporation introduced the Code for Exporters, a resource for all Canadian exporters. It outlines CCC’s expectations of Canadian companies using its services with respect to:
- labour and human rights,
- health and safety,
- environmental protection,
- transparent and responsible supply chains, and
- compliance with laws, including those prohibiting bribery and corruption, and reinforcing the importance of responsible business conduct (RBC) principles in all business dealings.
The new code provides guidance on
- Anti-Bribery and anti-corruption compliance
- Engaging with foreign public officials
- Due diligence and use of agents
- Conflict of interest
- Human rights compliance
- Environmentally sustainable operations
- Export controls
- Responsible supply chains
- Transparency and accountability
- Monitoring and reporting
When businesses operate responsibly, this builds and sustains confidence in the marketplace, the values of democracy and economic and social development. Therefore, ensuring that ESG is at the centre of every transaction allows, both CCC and its exporters, to maintain long-term competitive success, brand reputation and reflects the values that contribute to the strong global brand for Canada.
Connect with CCC
Do you have a product, service or solution that governments buy? Are you interested in selling to the U.S. military or another foreign government? Tell us about your offering and your export strategy and let us help you connect with government buyers.