Transparency and Disclosure

CCC’s disclosure strikes a balance between sharing information that enhances our public accountability and protecting the commercially confidential information entrusted to us by our customers.

As Canada’s government to government contracting organization, we understand that transparency and disclosure are integral to our business, to building trust with our stakeholders and to facilitating accountability.  Our Transparency and Disclosure Policy sets out a framework for the proactive disclosure of information pertaining to our business in a manner that balances the confidentiality required by our customers with the information sought by interested Canadians.

Annual Public Meeting

In compliance with our obligations as a Crown corporation, each year we host an Annual Public Meeting (APM) which is open to the public and offers an opportunity to hear directly from the CEO and Board of Directors about the year’s activities and results.

2023 Annual Public Meeting


Info Source

The purpose of Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information is to provide information about the functions, programs, activities of government institutions that are subject to the Access to Information and Privacy Act.

Access to Information

The purpose of the Access to Information Act (ATIA) is to enhance the accountability and transparency of federal institutions to promote an open and democratic society and to enable public debate on the conduct of those institutions. As a crown corporation, the CCC is required to provide access to information unless the records or portion thereof are exempted or excluded from disclosure.

Privacy Act

The purpose of the Privacy Act is to extend the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by a government institution, such as the CCC, and to provide individuals with a right of access to that information.

Travel and Hospitality

We report current travel and hospitality expenses for the Board of Directors, President & CEO and Senior Management Committee.

Transactional Reporting

We report quarterly summaries of individual transactions we have supported through government to government (G2G) contracts.

Responsible Business Conduct

Our Responsible Business Conduct Framework sets out our commitment to ensuring we, and the companies we work with, operate in an environmentally, socially and ethically responsible manner in Canada and abroad. As a federal Crown corporation, CCC is committed to promoting responsible business practices.

Third Party Confidential Disclosure of Wrongdoing

CCC is committed to operating responsibly, transparently, and ethically in line with our ESG Strategy and commitment to responsible business conduct. We also expect the same of the Exporters we work with.

Quarterly Disclosure of Business Event Participation

We report quarterly summaries of all business events we have attended to reach out to Canadian exporters or to support Canadian exporter sales to foreign government buyers.

Annual Employee Diversity Disclosure

We disclose the diversity demographics of our employees annually to demonstrate our progress in attracting and retaining a diverse workforce.

Forced and Child Labour in Supply Chains Report

We report in accordance with Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (2024). This report identifies the steps we have taken to prevent forced or child labour from being used in the supply chains of Canadian goods that CCC delivers to governments overseas.

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