For projects below 1 million, CCC’s cost recovery fee is a standard $50,000 flat fee. Most of these contracts are for a patented capability that only one business does, that government will only buy through government to government contract and they’re willing to pay a premium on that project.
For projects above a million, CCC’s fee starts at 5% and it reduces based on cost or value, complexity, risks, and longevity of the project and whether there could be recurring projects in the future.
One advantage to note is that because of the guarantee of contract performance that CCC places on our contracts, a lot of governments will wave or at the minimum reduce bonding fees that they put on projects. This means that CCC’s cost recovery fees are about the same or less than bonding fees.
CCC’s cost recovery fee is built into the prime contract for the buyer to pay
Do you have an opportunity with a foreign government?
Contact CCC to learn more about how we can support your bid.